A Presidential Candidate with an Unfamiliar Religion: Sound Familiar?

One of 2016’s presidential candidates have opened up about their religious beliefs. Bernie Sanders is Jewish and if elected president, he will be the first Jewish president. In today’s society, does this matter? Is Sanders’ religion going to sway the elections?

In the article by Alison Lesley on World Religion News, it states that Bernie Sanders explained that his religious beliefs are part of his identity. “I am very proud to be Jewish,” says Sanders. He also described his family’s misfortune during the Holocaust, and how it further encouraged his religious views.

We recently read a speech in class given by John F. Kennedy about his religion as one of the presidential candidates in 1960. Kennedy avoided the topic of his religious beliefs because he did not believe his religion (Catholicism) should affect the election. He believed his religion to be personal- between him and God. Kennedy states, “I believe in a president whose religious views are his own private affair.”

Although Bernie Sanders was passive about his religion at the beginning of his campaigning according to the article, he did not avoid letting America know in a recent debate that his Jewish beliefs are an important part of who he is. This is similar to John F. Kennedy’s situation, but Sanders is more willing to tell the country about his religion. According to the article, it seems that more than likely, Sanders may be influenced by his religion if he is elected president. When Kennedy was campaigning, whether or not Catholicism would influence him as president, was an important topic that people thought should be brought up. In today’s society, the presidential candidates’ religious views are discussed, but they are not as big of a deal as they used to be.

Religion is an institution with several different aspects and variations. It is something that can be discussed for important situations, especially when it comes to things such as the presidential election. In the past, religion was a major factor that directed people’s decisions and morals. In today’s society, it seems as if religion has a smaller effect on people and their choices. When Kennedy was campaigning for presidency, it was a big deal for the public that he was a Catholic, and they were unsure of if they wanted a Catholic president. According to Alison Lesley, the topic of Bernie Sanders’ religion has been widely discussed on social media, however it is not mentioned that it will or will not affect the elections. This shows that if Bernie Sanders is elected president, it may not be important that he is the first Jewish president. Religion is still important in this society, but it is changing and adapting to fit the modern world.

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