The Changing Face of Religion

Like most everything, religion must adapt and change with the times in order to survive. Religion today looks much different than it did even a hundred years ago. Millennial specifically have grown up in a time dramatically different than previous generations. With the increase in technology of phones, computers, and the media, millennials have been called the most connected generation yet, while also being the most isolated of physical community. These massive changes in communication have led to religion evolving rather quickly, with social media playing a large role.

Previous generations were more limited by location and technology. In order to get educated, you had to go to school. To be religious, you went to church or your religious meeting place. Now you can go to school or find religious teachings online without ever leaving the house. This allows you to shape your ideals to better fit yourself as an individual. Many young adults are starting to call themselves spiritual instead of religious, allowing themselves to keep ties to religion while being independent from organized religion, but what has made organized religion so unappealing?

Millennials tend to be focused on individualism, and it’s not hard to see why. With the advances in media and technology, young adults are exposed to a myriad of ideas, beliefs, music, fashion, lifestyles, and more. Having a unique blend of these things can be what makes you you! This can make prescribing to a strict organized religion conflict with young adults desire for individuality. Previous generations would find community at their church or particular religion, but social media has given this generation a massive community with different ideas and beliefs at the touch of a button. Being exposed to so many different beliefs can also make it harder to believe that an organized religion really has all the right answers.

When you cut ties to organized religion, certain barriers come down such as sexuality, homosexuality, abortion, and even politics. The percentage of millenials that believe homosexual relations and abortion is wrong is decreasing every year, making a religion against these things unappealing. Some churches have begun to adapt to this by allowing homosexual pastors and leaders. They have also begun to focus on education instead of conviction to try to appeal to the younger generation. By discussing what’s going on in the media and the world while being respectful to different beliefs, they are allowing young adults to make informed opinions about important life choices.

While in general millenials are moving away from organized religion, some have actually been increasing such as evangelical mega churches. Other churches and religions have begun to adapt by changing what they have previously condemned and making a more accepting environment to different viewpoints. Either way, the advances in technology have created an online community that is starting to take the place of physical communities such as the church.


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