Three Steps To Reform The Vatican

Three Steps to Reform The Vatican:

“There are at least three things necessary to successfully reform an institution: changing its culture, appointing key people who support the reform, and putting in place structures, policies, and procedures to concretize the reform. Changing the culture of an institution is probably the most difficult and the most important. It is not enough to send out memos mandating new policies or to move boxes around in the organizational chart. The attitudes and values of the people in an institution make it what it is, especially if those values are not just talked about but incarnated at the top”; Retrieved from Thomas Reese, February 26th, 2014 http:/steps-reform-Vatican.

The Catholic Church and reform in the Vatican is a huge change within in the Christian Culture. During my years growing up from childhood to adulthood, The Vatican and Pope, have had a huge influence on my faith and the Christian Culture around me, how I see the Catholic Church and other religions. The fact that they want to reform their church is a dramatic change in history.

I recently re-read the article from our class readings, On the Vatican II, Opening Speech from 1962 and in the speech, the Catholic church is spoke about by Pope John XXIII as sac rid from centuries in the past and that the church could not change do to their values and to reform the church would be messing with “God” and “Mother Mary”. For example, A Priest getting married, or staying celibate, This is one of the discussions they have recently had in reference to reforming the Catholic Church. Same sex marriage, adoption and the sin of homosexuality.

The traditional church is changing along with the family in 2016 and I believe whatever decision the Pope makes it will have a negative or positive influence in history around the World because of culture beliefs and society pressures to change.

A recently poll from Pew Research, 2016, states that 77 percent of Catholic’s who were raised Catholic as a religion would not return to the Catholic Church who have left their faith because of the strict moral beliefs on families and what is considered sin.

“Despite those disagreements between U.S. Catholics and church teaching, the poll does not indicate that a change in that teaching would lead more Catholics to “revert” to their faith than do already”, Retrieved from 2016/

I believe with all the scandals of the Catholic Church and their leadership has caused Pope Francis to be more open in wanting to reform the Church, however I don’t believe that there will be dramatic changes soon to the church because of the Catholic Church’s influence in the world and all the different values they represent as a Church body.


Sources: Retrieved from 2016, Thomas Reese, February 26th, 2014 http:/Steps Reform Vatican.  Retrieved from 2016/


One thought on “Three Steps To Reform The Vatican

  1. If the Church made drastic changes it would be interesting to see how members would react. If the Church does make changes I wonder if it will happen slowly over time so members can get use to it, because I feel that if they change everything all at once members will feel lost and disconnected from their religion.


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