Religious Colleges Look Into The Same Goals

In today’s day in age, education is a vital part of our development. One problem that occurs in the education system is that Religion cannot be expressed unless you are in a Religion school. Once you surpass secondary education and pursue higher education, students are freer to speak about different topics, like their Religion. Even then, some students still don’t feel like it is okay to express their religion on campus. Recently on the Religion News Source website, there was an article posted titled “Muslim, Jewish college presidents focus on common goals with Christian educators.” There are multiple faith-based colleges around the nation who focus on just the one religion that their school is based around but don’t branch out and talk to other religious institutions about how they educate their students or what problems they are experiencing on campus. It is very important for these presidents to start talking to each other for a multitude of reasons. When these colleges are in contact with each other, they can share notes, compare what is or is not working for them, and what some general trends at their respective institutions are. As religious institutions, they tend to be set aside on a different level than normal public universities and colleges whether it is intentional or not. If there is one basic thing that they can all agree on, is that they are treated differently because of their religion aspect and don’t fit into the same category as the public universities. There were four colleges that were mentioned in the article that have been talking to each other’s presidents to kind of kick off this movement. Even though it is four colleges, this will help show other religious institutions that it is okay to talk to other schools and to connect in the way the original four did. It just takes a small group of people to get going in the right direction to start something great. In the article, one person talks about that there’s a lot in common between the different institutions regardless of their specified Religion. Looking at these commonalities while embracing their differences ultimately helps faculty and students of all colleges to gain respect for each other. The president of Houghton College talked about how she believes that the presidents should work together to recognize the value in education that is centered around faith at the higher education level. In all reality, everyone under all the religions was created by their God for the same reason as the others were. The president at Regis University states “If that conversation doesn’t happen in the university, then that university should not exist.” Taking the time to sit down and understand why not only you’re here, but why others are here from different religions, it helps create a sense of unity rather than individual religions. Yes, religions are different from each other and that is what makes them unique, but it all comes down to their God and why they were put on Earth knowing that it was for a reason.


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