The Call of the Witch

One of the most compelling spiritual movements in contemporary America is witchcraft. The witchcraft of the modern day is at the intersection of religion, politics, and social justice. It also has an immense appeal to many millennial Americans. What was once an underground effort for spiritual diversity and gender equality is now a profound defiance that is meant to shake the foundations of American politics, current social constructions, and structured religions.

When one hops down the rabbit hole of the massive online witch community, she will likely find an abundance of ethereal photographs, luscious poetic incantations, esoteric wisdom, and a fury bubbling up through hastags of #hexthepatriarchy and #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy.

Similar to many American religious movements, witches are using their spiritual practices and codes to transform society. This movement stands out due to its palpable resistance to the current systems integrated with occult practices and traditions that are often seen as taboo. Earlier new age and witchcraft movements focused on “divine feminine” feminism, while the current movement emphases dismantling the entire structure that perpetuates gender and racial differences and injustices.

A common expression found within the witch community is “if you can heal, you can hex.” This goes with the notion that in order for there to be true balance in the universe, we must accept both light and dark aspects of the world and ourselves. “Insisting on “positivity” and “light” is for those who want to keep up the barriers of class and racial privilege.” (Burton). Recently, witches by the masses hexed figures such as Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and President Donald Trump. Thousands participated in online and in-person rituals to hex or “bind” those in power, whom they felt were oppressive and corrupt. These online rituals and spells were broadcast live through Facebook and other forms of social media. ““The harm we want to inflict on Kavanaugh and Trump is that they be exposed and shown for what they are and ousted or at least discredited,” Dakota Bracciale, co-owner of Catland Books.” (Stubley).

What may come to mind when one thinks of a witch is strange images of wild women dancing naked in the woods, women performing blood sacrifices on the full moon, or sorceresses seducing victims to cast evil spells upon for their own gain. Fables, folklore, and urban legends have established the archetype of the witch and colored the lens through which we understand witchcraft as a spiritual practice. The witches of today are not evil doers of harm. Many use their magic and ritual practices to bring more beauty and humanity into the world, while others use it to further social justice, gender equality, and to tear down social conditioning that does more harm than any spell ever could. Much like praying for peace, witches pray for justice, equality, and the right to worship outside of the existing religious institutions.

Perhaps witchcraft is a religious movement that is driven largely by technology and the internet. Many witches today display their “path” and sacred/healing services online. The hashtag #witchesofinstagram has over two million posts tagged. From beautiful images snapped with a camera phone and blogs of poetry and spells, to tarot readings and spellwork offerings, the online world of witchcraft is vibrant. Witches are utilizing all modern options to influence the communities they are a part of and to create platforms for social change. Mixing this newer, eclectic, DIY religion with technology is fertile grounds for a movement all about social, political, and religious revolution.


Burton, Tara Isabella. “Witchcraft Becomes a Political Stance – and a Booming Business.” Religion News Service, 15 Feb. 2019,

Stubley, Peter. “Witches Place Mass Hex on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 21 Oct. 2018,

7 thoughts on “The Call of the Witch

  1. I had heard of modern day witches before but never really knew much about them- thank you for informing me more about it!
    I think this is a super interesting topic because like you said, when you think of a witch, you think of Hocus Pocus or the Salem witch trials or Halloween costumes or something that’s been in history or mass media. You never really think of them using their magic for peace or for the betterment of society. I guess I never really thought of it as a religion either, but the more you explained it, the more it sounds like one!


  2. Before reading this article I had never heard of any large witchcraft movement. I assumed it was a tiny minority within the “other” religious categorization. Now, I am glad to see that it is a movement with high aims and worthwhile goals. I think that this religious movement is yet again proving the statement “religion is culture” because they are using their religion to effect social change. Regardless of the connotations associated with witchcraft I think this has the potential to be a very positive influence on the world.


  3. I appreciate the fact that you have opened up this dialogue on witchcraft and the movements residing within. Especially since, as you brought up, there are those in this religion that are actively promoting political participation by their own means. I find it very interesting how you lead into this section about them creating a large form movement to protest and ‘hex’ Kavanaugh and Trump. And I really do enjoy the contrast picture you create. Bringing up that most people think when the term witchcraft is brought up and then contrasting it by showing what it really is through your research. Congratulations.


  4. The use of technology contributing to the movement of witchcraft is a very interesting point for you to bring up. I hadn’t thought of it like that before, but it makes a lot of sense. I think in a technologically advancing world, this is a great way for people to share their thoughts and ideas. I also think it was very effective of you to bring up the negative assumptions that many have regarding witchcraft, and then supporting it with the evidence that contemporary witchcraft is not all evil.


  5. Interesting post and comment contributions. I somewhat live under a rock of my busy life and am admittedly too old and opinionated to worry about influencers and famous people’s online presence. It is not surprising that I was completely unfamiliar with a modern witchcraft movement. As a history lover, I immediately think what Puritans would make of this; and of all of your open-minded comments! Kudos to you all for being open-minded about others faith of choice; too many wars and horrors have come from the lack of such live and let live thinking.


  6. Witchcraft as itself is an interesting belief system. It mixes old religions such as Germanic Paganism and Haitian Voodoo with Christian themes. Which makes this choice of topic profoundly intriguing. In the world today it seems that some of the taboo surrounding Witchcraft has been lessened. Witchcraft also seems very enticing to people who feel disenfranchised with mainstream religions and want to practice something new. That is to say, Witchcraft is being picked up by Millennials who want to fight the social order. It is also nice for those who want to practice, that witchcraft is no longer punishable by death. I am really glad you chose this topic.

    P.S. Did you know that it is illegal to pretend to be a witch in Canada but not illegal to be a witch.


  7. To think of witchcraft we usually think of brooms, hats, and dark cats. I’m really glad I read this post because it really is practiced today and I didn’t know that they are trying to basically make society better for all. The fact that witchcraft is a spiritual religion that can even have a political impact is very surprising and I really learned a lot about witchcraft and want learn more about their beliefs in today’s context.


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