Religions role in space travel

Franklin Chapman


In 1971 astronaut Edgar Mitchell landed on the Moon on Apollo 14.  With him, we had a large number of science experiments to do on the Lunar surface.  At this time in the Apollo program, the only reason to send humans to the Moon was for scientific experiments.  But Edgar Mitchell was taking something else along with him that some people would say is just as important as science.  He brought along with him a copy of the King James Bible to leave on the Moon forever. This is the first example of the bible or a holy scripture making its way off the planet, a million miles out into the fast reaches of space to touch down on a gray airless world to be left for the rest of time.  A recent example would be Israel’s space probe currently on its way to the Moon. This space probe is highly unusual for many reasons. For one its launch date was a struggle for the Jewish people launching it. In an article from “Religion News Service” titled “For Israeli Lunar Lander, faith provides inspiration and challenges”, author Jack Jenkins gives an overview of the role religion has had in this humble space probe heading to the Moon.  First, he talks about how originally the launch date for the space probe called Beresheet was suppose to launch on a Saturday. But for the Jewish religion, Saturday is the Sabbath, and thus Jewish people are not meant to work on that day. Alexander Friedman, who is currently in charge of the mission as we speak said in the article “Because I am religion guy, I am forbidden to work on Saturday…”(Alexander Friedman, Jack Jenkins, paragraph 5). Friedman goes on to say that he and his team had many talks with SpaceX (The company who launched the Beresheet spacecraft on their Falcon 9 rocket) about moving the launch date to a day other than Saturday.  And they were able to convince SpaceX to launch on an earlier day. They ended up launching on the Thursday before.

   It is a common thing to think that religion and science can not co-exist, or even work together.  But if the Beresheet spacecraft actually end up landing on the Moon successfully, not only will it have defied the odds of being the first privately funded spacecraft to land on the Moon.  But it will also defy anyone saying that religion and science can work together. Israel is a highly religious country, and it is about to join the ranks of literal superpowers of the world by landing on the Moon.  As of today, the only countries that have landed something on the Moon has been China, Russia, and the United States. And now a tiny country from the middle east is about to attempt it. The ability to have both expert scientists working in collaboration with religious leaders is a testament to how our world is constantly changing its view on the interaction of the two.

Work cited“For Israeli Lunar Lander, Faith Provides Inspiration and Challenges.” Religion News Service, 28 Mar. 2019,

The Christian movie genre, and its influence on America

The subject of Americanism in religion has been a big topic for discussion in class.  That, meaning how religion has been molded and shaped by the U.S.As ideals, and missions.  It seems wherever you find an idea that is an “American thing”, you see religion adopting the same “thing”.  This is proven true by an article published on Religion News Service, titled “Tim Tebow makes the Christian movie he’s always wanted to see”.

   The article talks about former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, and his new movie that came out today(February 22).  Tebow’s reason for making the movie is because he looked at the bigger Christian movie genre and did not like how the movies would always end with the main character praying, and having all his/her problems solved in no time.  Tebow stated, “That’s not real life,”(Tim Tebow, Religion News Service, February 20, 2019). So he decided to make a Christian film that he feels reflects how the real world works.

   The movie itself is about two brothers trying to get out of a small town and get to college, and the way that they attempt to do this according to the article is by trying to get track scholarships.  Tim Tebow explains that many of the themes in the film are pulled from his own life and experiences.

   Movies(and more specifically Hollywood) have been a large part of American life over the years.  And with anything else that is a big part of being an American, religion eventually follows, and more specifically Christianity follows.  There have been so many Christian movies in recent years, that it has created its own genre. This makes sense because as a church you want more people to attend, and more importantly, get people to come back.  And a good way to get more people, and get them coming back, is to embed yourself in every part of their lives. In this case, entertainment.

   A lot of what we have been talking about in class is this very fact of religion in American becoming a big part of being an American, and how there is no separation between church and state.  More specifically the lack of separation between Christianity and State. And I think the Christian movie genre is attempting to do a similar thing with Hollywood. It has already kind of happened anyway, by just the fact that films from Hollywood are made in America, and by consequence have an American identity.  Therefore by having that American identity, you have a Christian identity. Because by being Christian you are also being American.

   This could explain why there are no other religions in America making such a big mark in the movie industry.  Because the Christian movie genre is not too far from a normal movie genre in America. Movies in Hollywood are not consciously religious, but subconsciously religious. Not by any fault of their own, but just by the fact that being an American has a strict identity that goes with it.  The identity of being Christian.


In-text: (“Tim Tebow Makes The Christian Movie He’s Always Wanted To See – Religion News Service”)

Your Bibliography: “Tim Tebow Makes The Christian Movie He’s Always Wanted To See – Religion News Service”. Religion News Service, 2019,